

We can list information easily with ordered and un-ordered lists.

We begin by stating what kind of list it is using,
<ul> for un-ordered
<ol> for ordered


Then we define the items in that last by calling them a list item.

<li>list item</li>

Un-ordered lists

This is a bulleted list.

  • item one
  • item two
  • item tree

We express this in HTML as


   <li>item one</li>

   <li>item two</li>

   <li>item tree</li>



Ordered lists

This is a list with numbers.

  1. item one
  2. item two
  3. item tree

We express that in HTML as


   <li>item one</li>

   <li>item two</li>

   <li>item tree</li>


Definition list

You may need to give more context to your paragraph that is defining key terms.

We use:

<dl> as the wrapper, for definition list.

<dt> for definition term. (A round and red fruit)

<dd> for the definition itself. (Apple)

Example of a definition list.


A yellow fruit with a bitter peel.


Man's best friend.


Expressed in HTML as.



   <dd>A yellow fruit with a bitter peel.</dd>


   <dd>Man's best friend.</dd>




Nested Lists

You can place list in lists to create multi topic listed items.

Tool rental list.

  • John Doe
  1. Hammer
  2. Adjustable Wrench
  3. Measuring tape
  • Jain Doe
  1. Jack Hammer
  2. Pipe Wrench
  3. 12ft Ladder


We can express that in HTML like this.


   <li>John Doe</li>



         <li>Adjustable Wrench</li>

         <li>Measuring Tape</li>


   <li>Jain Doe</li>


         <li>Jack Hammer</li>

         <li>Pipe Wrench</li>

         <li>12ft Ladder</li>

