My To-Do list
My to-do list.
Website Related.
Build a physical Web-Sever.Implement Concrete5.- Set up Google Add Sense.
Custom Domain Email.- Add a page for my resume in the contact section.
On the Blogs page, Show thumbnails for the BlogsOn the projects page, Show names of the Projects.Remove index.php from urls.Setup mailing list.
Projects that have been started and need explained.
- Programming projects.
- Tree Cutting Demo.
- Roblox Tycoon Demo.
- Random Dungeon Generator Demo.
- Optimized RTS Demo.
- Physical Projects.
- Batteries from scratch.
- 3D printer fun.
- Wargaming miniature painting showcase.
- Circuit Alchemy Youtube channel.
- Table Top Related IP.
- Publish my own role playing rule-set (big project)
- Re-design my Wargaming campaign system. (big project)
- Custom VTT. (big project)
- Programming projects.
Learn by sharing Projects.
- Full Stack Web Development.
- Databases.
- php.
- Java/JQuery integration.
- Docker.
- Get (I need a refresher.)
- Summery of html and css.
- Build a turn based RTS Demo using the web-server. (big project)
- 3D Modeling
- Finish my Udemy Classes.
- Rigging Models.
- Custom Textures.
- Books to review.
- HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites - By Duckett, Jon
- JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development - By Duckett, Jon
- PHP & MySQL: Server-side Web Development - By Duckett, Jon
- Cognitive Choice Modeling - Zheng Joyce Wang and Jerome R. Busemeyer
- Transgression in games and play - Kristine jorgensen and Faltin Karlsen
- Multi-Agent Oriented Programming - Programming Multi-Agent Systems Using JaCaMo
- Growing Software, Proven strategies For Managing Software Engineers - Luis Testa
- C++ All-in-one for Dummies - John Paul Mueller & Jeff Cogswell
- Practical SQL - Anthony DeBARROS
- C++ Crash Course - Josh Lospinoso
- MySQL Crash Course - Rick Silva
- The Big Book Of Small Python Projects- Al Sweigart
- Computer Graphics From Scratch - Gabriel Gambetta
- Object-Oriented Python - Irv Kalb
- Algorithmic Thinking - Daniel Zingaro
- Modeling And Simulation In Python - Allen B. Downey
- Effective C - Robert C. Seacord
- How To Design Programs Second Edition - M.F. & R.B.F. & M.F. & S.K.
- Full Stack Web Development.
Art Projects
- Cel-animation with a digital sketchbook.
- Explore digital music and sound design.
Gaming Related Projects
- Space Engineers - my mods showcase.
- Space Engineers 2 server hosting. (big project)
Farming Sim 25 - Pigs speed run #1